Contains, in random order: spilled drinks at holiday
parties, a crash and a crush under the mistletoe, invitations to New Year's Eve parties,
Santas for hire, Santas in space, travelers and workers far from home, couples
stuck in their living room, drunken celebrations, and loud countdowns.
parties, a crash and a crush under the mistletoe, invitations to New Year's Eve parties,
Santas for hire, Santas in space, travelers and workers far from home, couples
stuck in their living room, drunken celebrations, and loud countdowns.
A Minute to Midnight (CD)

- Description
Contains, in random order: spilled drinks at holiday
parties, a crash and a crush under the mistletoe, invitations to New Year's Eve parties,
Santas for hire, Santas in space, travelers and workers far from home, couples
stuck in their living room, drunken celebrations, and loud countdowns. - Reviews